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kmonster Neu 20.07.2005 Mittwoch, 20. Juli 2005 21:41 | ||||
Volker Sauer Gelsenkirchen Deutschland . NW |
Hallo coaster fans,
we proudly present our new feature, the COASTER-COUNT. Now you can count your ridden coasters at coaster-count.com . For some people may not want to count traveling, alpine, butterfly or powered coasters, you can filter them out in the rankings. If you miss a coaster, feel free to email us at cc@onride.de, please include park or owner, type, design and status. Happy counting! The COASTER-COUNT team Quelle: coaster-count.com coaster-count.com.gif You can visit COASTER-COUNT by clicking on the link in the upper right corner or direcly at coaster-count.com . |
El Quinte Neu 21.07.2005 Donnerstag, 21. Juli 2005 17:32 | ||||
El Quinte
Toon Kockx Antwerpen Belgien |
Hmm, sounds the same as 'I rode it' and Coastercounter , but it's a very nice initiative! | |||
kmonster Neu 21.07.2005 Donnerstag, 21. Juli 2005 18:11 | ||||
Volker Sauer Gelsenkirchen Deutschland . NW |
Sure, its pretty the same, but we tried to make some things the other way. Our side was intendet to be very clearly and easy to handle. We also stored a lot of coasters tha you cant count on other sides, for example the transportable ones. |
Boris Neu 21.07.2005 Donnerstag, 21. Juli 2005 18:32 | ||||
Deutschland . NW |
And I think you've managed that. I never liked the flash-menu on coastercounter.com and "I rode it" blinking too muss. Time to get rid of my account on coastercounter. |
Tejay Neu 24.07.2005 Sonntag, 24. Juli 2005 21:02 | ||||
Thorsten Janke Bochum Deutschland . NW |
Actually we are looking for rollercoaster rides in and outside of Europe.
As a matter of fact Germany is home to a very big fairground culture, but for sure there are a lot more coasters travelling outside the German fairgrounds. Please help us find them. Maybe you can report from your local or regional scene and give us the names of rides, operators or websites where we can find out more about your fairground culture. What about travelling coasters in - Norway - Sweden - Finland - Danmark - The Netherlands - Belgium => Bufkens and more? - France => Land of the Luna parks, probably many coasters "down south" - Switzerland => also a Reverchon mouse, what else? - Austria => Rieger: Crazy Mouse - Spain => Cyberspace, Magic Potter, Ala Delta => any information on these coasters? what else? - Portugal - the UK => Tsunami (Taylor), Magic Mouse (Mellors), Wild Mouse (Danter) - what else? - Italy => home country of the Pinfari coasters - Greece => fairground culture? - Turkey => home of manufactor DAL - USA => for sure there are many carnival shows travelling with coasters, right? - Canada => Land of Conklin and what more? - Mexico - South America - Africa - Asia - Australia - Eastern Europe Any information is appreciated. |
Lauri Neu 26.07.2005 Dienstag, 26. Juli 2005 17:57 | ||||
Lauri Ranta Finland Finnland |
Scandinavia is not home to any good travelling coasters, but we have a few. Is it ok if I post the information here?
Finland: Suuronen;Kuohu;Tornado;Trav Pow.;Steel;Sit Down;Operating Seiterä;Mustajoki;Pirun Kelkka;Travelling;Wood;Sit Down;Operated Sariola;Kerava;Raketti;Trav Pow.;Steel;Sit Down;Operated Suomen Tivoli;Tuusula;Crazy Worm;Travelling;Steel;Sit Down;Operating Suomen Tivoli;Tuusula;Rollercoaster;Travelling;Steel;Sit Down;Operating Suomen Tivoli;Tuusula;Dragon;Trav Pow.;Steel;Sit Down;Operated Sweden: Axels;Sennan;Wild Mouse;Travelling;Steel;Sit Down;Operating Axels;Sennan;Fundog;Travelling;Steel;Sit Down;Operating Denmark: Ankers;Bjæverskov;Crazy Worm;Travelling;Steel;Sit Down;Operating Swedish and Norwegian fairs have more coasters, but there's not much information about them on the web. |
Tejay Neu 28.07.2005 Donnerstag, 28. Juli 2005 22:09 | ||||
Thorsten Janke Bochum Deutschland . NW |
La Uve? (Owner?) venalaferia.com cordoba05_r017.jpg venalaferia.com cordoba05_r018.jpg venalaferia.com cordoba05_r027.jpg To whom does this ride belong? Magic Potter (Owner?) venalaferia.com cordoba05_r031.jpg venalaferia.com cordoba05_r049.jpg venalaferia.com cordoba05_r096.jpg Crazy Mouse von Reverchon (Owner?) venalaferia.com cordoba05_r033.jpg venalaferia.com cordoba05_r092.jpg venalaferia.com cordoba05_r094.jpg Jet Star (Owner?) venalaferia.com cordoba05_r036.jpg venalaferia.com cordoba05_r041.jpg Ala Delta, Gliding Coaster from Reverchon (Owner?) venalaferia.com cordoba05_r056.jpg venalaferia.com cordoba05_r067.jpg Montana La Mina venalaferia.com cordoba05_r075.jpg |
Yeah 7 Neu 31.07.2005 Sonntag, 31. Juli 2005 11:50 | ||||
Yeah 7
Phil Ariss Leicestershire GB |
Out of interest, if you include Mack Watercoasters then why not Fuga da Atlantide at Gardaland? | |||
kmonster Neu 31.07.2005 Sonntag, 31. Juli 2005 12:31 | ||||
Volker Sauer Gelsenkirchen Deutschland . NW |
The listed Mack watercoasters are going down and up, the fuga only down.
Further we go with rcdb. |
kmonster Neu 26.08.2005 Freitag, 26. August 2005 16:28 | ||||
Volker Sauer Gelsenkirchen Deutschland . NW |
After a cooperation with Parksmania.it we proudly present an italian version of the Coaster-Count:
Quelle: coaster-count.de italian.gif - it.coaster-count.com Quelle: coaster-count.com it.coaster-count.com.gif Thanks to Silvia Forghieri and Bruno Lancetti from Parksmania.it for their help with the translation. If you want to have your own language version of the Coaster-Count, just give a tell! |
El Quinte Neu 26.08.2005 Freitag, 26. August 2005 18:46 | ||||
El Quinte
Toon Kockx Antwerpen Belgien |
Well, why not, I'd love to translate the site into Dutch. Just gimme a mail |
kmonster Neu 28.08.2005 Sonntag, 28. August 2005 11:44 | ||||
Volker Sauer Gelsenkirchen Deutschland . NW |
That was fast! We proudly present an dutch version of the Coaster-Count, thanks to Toon Kockx for the translation! Quelle: coaster-count.de dutch.gif - du.coaster-count.com Quelle: coaster-count.com du.coaster-count.com.gif |
El Quinte Neu 28.08.2005 Sonntag, 28. August 2005 12:05 | ||||
El Quinte
Toon Kockx Antwerpen Belgien |
You're welcome | |||
David Neu 29.08.2005 Montag, 29. August 2005 23:22 | ||||
David Wragg GB |
Tejay Neu 31.08.2005 Mittwoch, 31. August 2005 11:54 | ||||
Thorsten Janke Bochum Deutschland . NW |
Added to the CC Wild Mouse - W. Stevens (World Carnival) - Reverchon - 2000? - brought from Axels in 2003. The World Carnival is a British owned company based in Hong Kong provence, China. Travels on the world Carnival run in Asia. Unknown coaster - unknown builder - Orginally from Austrilia opened in Shanghai World Carnival in 2003 \ 2004. Unsure of current status. Any information is appreciated. World Carnival Ltd. has been added as a Chinese operation. Is the Wild Mouse no longer under the ownership of Axel's or is it just leased? |
Tejay Neu 31.08.2005 Mittwoch, 31. August 2005 11:57 | ||||
Thorsten Janke Bochum Deutschland . NW |
As we have taken over the distinction between UK - Wales, England and Scottland, I hope I didn't sort the owners to a false location. In case of unknown, I listed them under UK-England. | |||
noxegon Neu 05.05.2006 Freitag, 05. Mai 2006 21:12 | ||||
Richard Bannister Irland |
Ireland is spelt wrong [Irleand].
Travelling coasters there are Worm, Speed Loop, Crazy Mouse, and Gold Mine Express. All four are owned by Bird, William (the current unknown is a Bird coaster). The coaster at Tramore Amusement Park is called "Sealion". See picture here: themeparks.ie sealion2.htm |
markie Neu 31.07.2007 Dienstag, 31. Juli 2007 13:09 | ||||
Mark De Jong Rotterdam Niederlande |
The mobile version is now online, perfect!
Only one question, in the online (WWW) version I have 212 coasters, in de mobile version 213? Is this because the Grand National (Pleasure Beach Blackpool) counted as 2 in the mobile version, or is it something else? |
kmonster Neu 31.07.2007 Dienstag, 31. Juli 2007 13:26 | ||||
Volker Sauer Gelsenkirchen Deutschland . NW |
There was a bug in the mobile version, fixed now. | |||
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