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[Trip Fotos] Onride-Meeting @ Düsseldorf Rheinkirmes II
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Assistent Thorsten Janke
Deutschland . NW
Avatar von Tejay
Link zum Beitrag #4491 Verfasst am Dienstag, 15. Juli 2003 23:52
In order to reduce downloadtimes we created a second thread with pictures of last Saturday's meeting at Rheinkirmes in DÜSSELDORF.
If you wonder why I put thes towns name in capital letters, you have to know that I made a big mistake in the German section when I mislocated the fair into the German town Cologne, which actually is close by to Düsseldorf, but actually the two cities do not go together very well, thus mixing up with the names is close to a lethal sin.

Here are the pictures shot by our admin razibo.
surely very lovely to look at.

You can see some of our users. Let's start putting user-names to faces.

Left side: Na Logo, rigt side: Herr Rossi, in the middle: Tejay

Left side: Na Logo, right side: Looping Star, both of them on Euro Star

Getting started on Circus Circus (Huss Magic): Herr Rossi, ytsejam, Sebastian (our new mod @ onride)

Looping Star (the Magnum-Shirt guy) and Tejay (the Pamela Anderson shirt guy)

Waiting in line before getting wet on "Wildwasser" (log flume ride):
ytsejam, Na Logo, Herr Rossi, Omi, Polyp, gero

Omi, gero and Polyp getting wet

tejay still being wet from Wildwasser follows Looping Star into the darkness of "Mystery"

Na Logo inside "Mystery", seemingly more funny than scary to him

Omi and her grandson in Spinning Racer, followed by Na Logo and Herr Rossi

Some kind of excellent balancing: the heavy Looping Star on one side of the spinning car and the two light ones Na Logo and Herr Rossi on the other side - they couldn't stop spinning at all

Big Monster: new ride "High Energy"
Back to the Roots: Mpgfanboy70
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Link zum Beitrag #5351 Verfasst am Samstag, 26. Juli 2003 00:46 Relax
So what do you guys think of High Energy, haven't read so many english reviews so far so it would be nice to hear what you think about it. S
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