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R.I.P. Alberto Zamperla 1951 - 2022

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Tejay Der Benutzer wurde geprüft und ist eine reale Person. Unterstützt das Forum mit einer jährlichen Spende. Ist ein Ehrenmitglied. Neu  26.11.2022 Samstag, 26. November 2022 08:19
Avatar von Tejay Tejay Der Benutzer wurde geprüft und ist eine reale Person. Unterstützt das Forum mit einer jährlichen Spende. Ist ein Ehrenmitglied.
Thorsten Janke
Deutschland . NW
ZitatIt is with a heavy heart and great sadness that we announce the untimely passing of Alberto Zamperla – a giant of the amusement industry and a man of immense generosity.
The Zamperla Group has lost an indomitable visionary and pioneer, who has revolutionized the amusement industry while bringing fun to billions of people thanks to his endless creativity.
Alberto will be missed by all who got to know his extraordinary love of life but his spirit will forever be our foundation.
He is survived by his wife Paola, three sons, and three grandchildren.
If you would like to share your condolences, thoughts, memories, and your own Mr. Z stories, please email rememberingalberto@zamperlagroup.com

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Tejay Der Benutzer wurde geprüft und ist eine reale Person. Unterstützt das Forum mit einer jährlichen Spende. Ist ein Ehrenmitglied. Neu  26.10.2023 Donnerstag, 26. Oktober 2023 14:05
Avatar von Tejay Tejay Der Benutzer wurde geprüft und ist eine reale Person. Unterstützt das Forum mit einer jährlichen Spende. Ist ein Ehrenmitglied.
Thorsten Janke
Deutschland . NW
Posthum geehrt.


ZitatRecognising an industry legend

Alberto Zamperla, the second-generation president of Zamperla and a fourth-generation member of a family dedicated to attractions, was chosen unanimously by the MENALAC Board for this honour. This award celebrates his considerable contributions to the MENA Leisure & Attractions Industry and recognises how his dedication and hard work have greatly improved the industry’s standards and innovation.
Alberto Zamperla passed away in November 2022. During his career, he brought joy to millions of people across the globe and he was known as a visionary and innovator in the amusement space. In 2019, Zamperla also joined his father in the IAAPA Hall of Fame, alongside other attractions industry legends like Walt Disney and George Ferris.
The Zamperla team attending the event collected the award on behalf of the whole Zamperla Group, after an emotional speech from Mishal Al Hokair.

During this year’s awards ceremony, the company was also recognised for two of its recent attractions.
Firstly, the Big WaveZ at City Walk Jeddah, a fun ride which combines the classic shoot-the-chute attraction with the thrills of a drop tower, was named in the category of Best New Product for Theme Parks. Secondly, NebulaZ at Yabeela Bahrain was awarded Best New Product for FECs.
A new NebulaZ installation, called Loki, opened at Drayton Manor in the UK last year, and Zamperla has also recently provided a new attraction, Extinction, to Blankgang Chine, the UK’s oldest amusement park.
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Foren · Fahrgeschäfte und deren Technik

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